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Дайджест-резюме Product Designer

Роль: Product Designer
Город: Любой
Стаж: 4
Пол: Мужской
Релокация: Mexico

I have over 4 years of experience in creating products and designing complex systems. Furthermore, I was involved in the creation of design systems, support of existing design systems, and integration of ready-made solutions. My experience in the product area completely covers the creation and support of interfaces - close work with the Product Owner and Business Department to form product concepts; testing of interactive prototypes and design solutions; creation of micro-animations, working in teams with agile methodologies.  I am customer-centered, and love turning quantitative and qualitative findings into insights and strategy to drive product priorities. I have expertise in producing relevant deliverables, including detailed user journey maps, user flows/task flows, page flows, paths to purchase, wireframes, annotations, and prototypes that represent interaction recommendations, etc

My portfolio:

Problem Solving:
Product Strategy:


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